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Procedure descriptions

Submit an enquiry to the State Office for Building Technology

Do you have a question about building technology, building ecology or the control of energy saving? Ask your question online to the State Centre for Building Technology here.

The State Office for Building Technology

  • issues approvals in individual cases as proof of usability for construction products,
  • issues project-related type approvals for types of construction as proof of applicability,
  • prepares technical expertises - especially in the field of construction technology and building ecology,
  • clarifies fundamental questions of construction technology,
  • participates in technical committees for national and international technical standardisation and for the granting of general technical approvals or general type approvals,
  • accompanies the accreditation procedure for test engineers for structural engineering and monitors their testing activities,
  • acts as a testing office for structural engineering, specialising in type testing and the testing of selected and particularly difficult structural calculations,
  • is the inspection body for the state in accordance with the Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV) and the Building Energy Act (GEG)
  • grants exceptions and exemptions in accordance with the Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV) and the Building Energy Act (GEG)
  • advises the monument preservation authorities on structural issues.

Responsible department

The State Office for Building Technology (Regierungspräsidium Tübingen - Referat 27) for the whole of Baden-Württemberg.





  1. Complete the online enquiry and upload any helpful documents.
  2. Check your details on the last page of the "Summary" online form and submit your enquiry.
  3. Once your enquiry has been checked, the State Office for Building Technology will contact you.



Required documents

  • if available: helpful documents such as approvals, test reports, expert opinions, plans, etc.


Enquiries are subject to a fee and are charged according to the time spent. In the case of low expenditure, as occurs with oral, simple written or electronic information, a fee may be waived.

Processing time

The Landesstelle für Bautechnik will contact you within four weeks.



Legal basis

Landesbauordnung für Baden-Württemberg (LBO):

  • § 16a Abs. 2 Bauarten
  • § 20 Nachweis der Verwendbarkeit von Bauprodukten im Einzelfall

Gebäudeenenergiegesetz (GEG):

  • § 102 Befreiungen
  • § 103 Innovationsklausel

Landesgebührengesetz (LGebG)

Verordnung des Ministeriums für Landesentwicklung und Wohnen über die Festsetzung der Gebührensätze für öffentliche Leistungen der staatlichen Behörden in seinem Geschäftsbereich (Gebührenordnung MLW – GebVO MLW)

Verordnung des Umweltministeriums über die Festsetzung der Gebührensätze für öffentliche Leistungen der staatlichen Behörden in seinem Geschäftsbereich (Gebührenverordnung UM - GebVO UM)

Release note

Machine generated, based on the German release by: Regierungspräsidium Tübingen, 15.01.2025

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