Logo Service Baden Württemberg
Procedure descriptions

File a patient complaint (medical association, dental association)

Are you dissatisfied with a treatment you received from a doctor? Or do you think you have been treated wrongly? Then you can lodge a patient complaint.

Responsible department

  • Patient advocates at hospitals
  • the expert commissions at the district medical associations
  • the expert commissions at the district dental chambers
  • for a complaint about a doctor: the State Medical Association of Baden-Württemberg
  • for a complaint about a dentist: the Landeszahnärztekammer Baden-Württemberg (State Dental Association of Baden-Württemberg)
  • for a complaint about a pharmacist: the Baden-Württemberg State Chamber of Pharmacists
  • for a complaint about a psychological psychotherapist, a child and youth psychotherapist, a child and youth psychotherapist, a psychotherapist: the Baden-Württemberg State Chamber of Psychotherapists





Contact the competent authorities with your complaint and ask for advice on how to proceed.

If you suspect treatment errors that have led to damage to your health, you can write to the expert commission of the State Medical and Dental Association. The commission will then initiate proceedings to reach an agreement between you and your doctor.


No special deadlines.

Required documents

Depending on the individual case, different documents may be necessary. Please contact the competent office.


for counselling by the patient counselling and patient complaints offices as well as processing by the medical and dental expert commissions and arbitration boards: usually none


You can also contact your statutory health insurance fund. The statutory health insurance funds are supposed to support your insured persons in the pursuit of claims for damages that have arisen from treatment errors when claiming insurance benefits.

Release note

07.09.2023; Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg

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69469 Weinheim
Tel.: 115
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Mo. - Mi. 14.00 - 16.00 Uhr
Do. 14.00 - 18.00 Uhr