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Procedure descriptions

Ex-matriculation - end of studies

Your membership in an institution of higher education expires when you are removed from the register of students. Removal from the register of students is carried out upon your request or ex officio.

The removal from the register of students is normally effective at the end of the semester in which it was pronounced. If there are particular reasons, then it can be pronounced with immediate effect.



Removal from the Register of Students Ex Officio (examples):

  • you have completed your course of study successfully (i.e. all achievements specified in the examination regulations have been attained)
  • removal from the register of students due to not passing specified achievements in accordance with the examination regulations of your course of study
  • removal from the Register of Students due to not registering back
  • Your professional training and course of studies at the University of Co-operative Education have been terminated.

Removal from the Register of Students upon Request:

  • changing the place of study (the removal from the register of students from your previous institution of higher education is required to enrol at your new institution of higher education)
  • terminating the course of study at your own request


In the case of removal from the register of students ex officio there is no need for action on your part.

If you would like to terminate the membership of an institution of higher education at your own request, then you have to apply in writing and if necessary state reasons.

You will receive confirmation that you have been removed from the register of students in writing stating the reason and also the time the removal from the register of students becomes effective.

Required documents

The required documents vary from one institution of higher education to another.

Normally you have to provide evidence that there are no more obligations whatsoever towards the institution of higher education (e.g. signature of the head of laboratory, library or other facilities on different forms which normally are available in the student secretariat, study office or examination office).



Release note

The German original version of this text was drafted in close cooperation with the relevant departments. The Wissenschaftsministerium released it on 11.03.2019. Only the German text is legally binding. The Federal State does not assume any liability for the translated texts.
In cases of doubt or if you have any questions or problems, please contact the relevant authorities directly.

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