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Procedure descriptions

Declare goods to customs when importing via the Internet

Goods that you import from a non-EU country must be cleared through customs. By doing so, you release the goods for free circulation. This means that you can then freely dispose of them.

You have the option of using the Internet customs declaration (IZA). You can only use the IZA if the goods are to remain permanently in the EU. You cannot use it for other customs procedures, such as customs warehousing or processing.

For the import declaration, you must provide the following information, among other things:

  • Consignor of the goods
  • Consignee
  • Terms of delivery
  • Place of delivery
  • Means of transport
  • Description of the goods



You want to permanently import goods from outside the European Union into Germany or release them for free circulation.


To declare goods for import online, proceed as follows:

  • Visit the Internet customs declaration import website and select "Internet customs declaration import form".
  • Fill out the form completely in your internet browser. Submit it.
  • Once completed, print the form twice and sign both versions.
  • Send the two printed copies by mail, fax or e-mail to your responsible customs office or hand them in personally. The customs office where the goods are located is responsible.
  • You will then be issued with a customs notification. Alternatively, this can also be sent by mail.


  • Declaration to customs: 90 days from the date of crossing the border of the goods.
  • Submission of the 2 printed copies of the form: 30 days from the date of use of the Internet customs declaration.

Required documents

If the value of the goods exceeds EUR 20,000, a written customs declaration (D.V.1) must be submitted. In addition, you should have the commercial invoice belonging to the goods or any existing preferential proofs ready.
If the goods are subject to restrictions, you must present the relevant documents.


There are no costs for you for using the Internet customs declaration. Irrespective of this, you may have to pay duties (e.g. customs duty, import VAT, excise duty) upon import, depending on the goods.

Processing time

After completing your internet customs declaration, you will usually receive a customs notice within one day to 4 weeks.

Legal basis

Artikel 6 Unionszollkodex (UZK)

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Bundesfinanzministerium, 10.02.2025

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