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Procedure descriptions

Chamber of Engineers - Registration in the list of consulting engineers

The professional title “Consulting Engineer” is protected by the German law governing the Chamber of Engineers (Ingenieurkammergesetz). Consulting engineers offer independent advice with personal accountability (e.g. in the development, planning, supervision, control and inspection) in the field of engineering.

If you would like to use this professional title, you have to be registered in the list of consulting engineers kept by the Chamber of Engineers in Baden-Württemberg. Together with the registration, you accept membership in the Chamber of Engineers.

Responsible department

Chamber of Engineers in Baden-Württemberg



It is possible to register in the list of consultant engineers maintained by the chamber of engineers of Baden-Württemberg if a person

  • maintains his place of residence or place of employment in Baden-Württemberg
  • possesses the entitlement to use the professional title "engineer" alone or in a word combination
  • can provide proof of professional experience as an engineer of at least
    • two years following successful completion of a master's degree
    • or four years following successful completion of a bachelor's degree
  • carries out his or her profession on his or her own responsibility and independently and
  • provides proof of sufficient professional indemnity insurance.

Comparable requirements exist for engineers from other EU Member States. More detailed information can be obtained from the chamber of engineers of Baden-Württemberg.

You can not be entered in the list of consultant engineers if

  • you are prohibited from carrying out the professional duties of an engineer in accordance with the Criminal Code or
  • you may not work as an independent engineer according to the Industrial Code or
  • you have been subject to a criminal penalty by a court due to a crime or offence and as a result, you are unsuitable for the profession of consultant engineer.


You must apply for entry in the list of consulting engineers to the competent authority.

The registration committee decides on the admission to the chamber after receipt of the complete documents. Should the decision be positive, you will receive a certificate of the registration in the list of the consulting engineers and the chamber’s official stamp.

Required documents

  • Document concerning successful completion of studies or the accordance, approval or confirmation of notification in accordance with the Engineers' Law of Baden-Württemberg
  • as evidence of personal reliability:
    • If residing in Germany: certificate of good conduct (Führungszeugnis)
    • If residing abroad: documents from your country of residence that testify to your personal reliability.
  • Proof of two or four years of successful professional practice as an engineer.

The competent body may request additional documents in order to verify your personal reliability.


Registration in the list is free of charge.

Members are obliged to pay an annual subscription. The subscription consists of a basic subscription and a supplement, and is based both on the professional activity and also on whether the members are active in the associations. You will find out the exact membership rate from the responsible authority.

Release note

The German original version of this text was drafted in close cooperation with the relevant departments. The Wirtschaftsministerium released it on 03.08.2018. Only the German text is legally binding. The Federal State does not assume any liability for the translated texts.
In cases of doubt or if you have any questions or problems, please contact the relevant authorities directly.

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