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Procedure descriptions

Berufsregister für Wirtschaftsprüfer und Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften Änderung

The Chamber of Public Accountants amends entries in the professional register for public accountants and audit firms on the basis of a written notification to the professional register or ex officio. The facts subject to registration result from § 38 WiPrO. As a member of the Wirtschaftsprüferkammer you are obliged to notify changes without delay.

Responsible department

Chamber of Public Accountants
Corporation under public law





They must make the notification in written or electronic form. Written documents in electronic form must contain the member's name and be accompanied by a qualified signature.

After the Chamber of Public Accountants has received the notification of change, it makes the corresponding change to the entry in the professional register.


You must notify the change to the professional register without delay (i.e. without culpable hesitation) The registration will also take place in the event of late notification of the change.



Processing time

The processing takes about 1 week.

Release note

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

Bitte beachten Sie die für Ihr Anliegen genannte:
"zuständige Stelle"

- Ämter in der Stadtverwaltung
- Bürgerbüro


Stadt Weinheim
Obertorstraße 9
69469 Weinheim
Tel.: 115
Fax: 06201 / 82 - 268

Anfahrtsplan (511 KB)

Mo. - Fr.
außer Mi.
08.00 - 12.00 Uhr
Do. 14.00 - 18.00 Uhr

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Tel. Erreichbarkeit:
Mo. - Fr. 08.00 - 12.00 Uhr
Mo. - Mi. 14.00 - 16.00 Uhr
Do. 14.00 - 18.00 Uhr