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Procedure descriptions

Apply for funding for electric-powered taxis, rental cars, bundled on-demand transport or car-sharing vehicles

Are you a taxi or rental car company, a provider of bundled on-demand transport in accordance with the German Passenger Transport Act (Personenbeförderungsgesetz) or a car sharing company and do you use new, first-registered fully electric vehicles in a service area in Baden-Württemberg?

Then you can apply for a subsidy for the maintenance and charging infrastructure costs for e-vehicles of the EC vehicle classes M1 and N1.

You will receive a subsidy in the form of a fixed amount of up to 3,000 for purchased electric vehicles and € 1,000 per year for a maximum of three years for leased electric vehicles.

Responsible department

State Credit Bank Baden-Württemberg



  • You are a taxi or rental car company, provider of bundled on-demand transport according to the Passenger Transport Act or car sharing company.
  • You hold a valid licence at the time of vehicle procurement.
  • The registered office of your company is in Baden-Württemberg.
  • You use the e-taxi or e-hire vehicle in a provisioning district in Baden-Württemberg.
  • You did not purchase the vehicle before 01.07.2022. The conclusion of the contract for the purchase is decisive.
  • The vehicles must be used in operation for at least three years. In the case of leasing, over the entire leasing period of a maximum of three years. This applies predominantly in Baden-Württemberg in the respective provision district for taxis or rental cars.
  • A maximum of 100 vehicles per applicant are eligible for funding.


Please submit the completed and signed application electronically at the following e-mail address: elektromobilitaet@l-bank.de. Please use the application form provided online.

Please enclose a fully completed and signed de minimis declaration with your application.

Please complete a separate application for each vehicle.

You can submit the applications consecutively. The available funds will be distributed according to the receipt of applications. The application is considered to have been submitted in order of priority when it has been received in full. The date of receipt is the date of the receipt stamp.

We will pay out the grant in one sum if you submit the proof of use, the purchase or leasing contract, proof of registration in Baden-Württemberg and a copy of the updated approval certificate, which also shows the vehicle's registration number, for the funded e-vehicle.


The funding programme runs until 31 December 2023.

Required documents




This is a de minimis aid. Within the current and the last two calendar years, you may claim a maximum of 200,000 euros in total in de minimis aid. You can find the relevant EU directive here.

Release note

  • 14.08.2023 Verkehrsministerium Baden-Württemberg

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